size guide
How much do I order?
If you are struggling to work out how much to order for the number of people you are feeding this general guideline should help.
Fish guidelines.
Single adult portion of boneless fish – 200g per person
Single child portion of boneless fish – 150g per person
Bone in fish e.g. trout or Sea bass – 350g-400g per person
Skate wing portion of 300g gives 200g of flesh once cooked
If you’re not sure, leave a note of how many people you’re feeding in the additional info section before placing your order. This can also be helpful for us in packing your order (ie, if there are 3 in your family and you order 6 salmon fillets, we will pack in 3’s instead of the standard 2 per pack)
If in doubt, or if you’d like to order fish we haven’t uploaded yet, or Meat & Deli items from Casey Fields Farm Shop, please send your full order through to paul@fishgloriousfish.co.uk, with your full name, contact number and delivery address.